Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 10

Word count: 1,782.

Tomorrow I begin National Novel Writing Month.  The goal is 50,000 words for the month.  I have finished a grand total of 23,709 words thus far which means I am almost halfway to my goal going in.  50,000 is around 175 pages total and I have a feeling this story is more like 200 to 250 pages which would be around 62,000 words or so.  I have around 35-40,000 more words to go.

It's hard not to edit as I go since I'm a perfectionist.  No not with grammar, but I like my words to have punch, I like my prose to be poetic.  In fact, my writing group laughed at my last submission as they said some of it sounded like it was in iambic pentameter.  I'm a short story gal, so elongating scenes and writing boring "detail" are hard for me.  I like action and things to be happening all the time, so this has been a real challenge for me.  I also write my stories one line at a time and I am afraid I will reach a point where I don't know what happens.  The payoff to writing one line at a time though is that things do stay fresh and exciting for me since my characters constantly surprise me. 

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