Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 233

A lot of disappointment lately.  It has been pretty tough and to be honest, I have felt alone.

I had a heart to heart with the temple matron today and told her about an idea that a friend of mine had about installing a doorbell at the front doors of the temple with a sign that says, "Please ring if you need assistance with the door."  She thought it was the best idea she has heard about the problem and said she would talk to the temple pres. asap.   I felt as if in a small way we had made a difference, an impact that could help someone.  I guess that's all I want, to make a small difference somewhere and for my life to leave behind a ripple.


  1. I'm sorry you're going through tough things right now. Let's talk soon.

  2. You do make a difference. More than you know!

  3. Rachel, your effect on the world is like a 20 lbs stone dropped into a still pond. Dramatic and far-reaching.
    Sorry to be so absent this week. I'm sorry for any disappointments that come to you.
